C++ 双方向マップ boost::bimaps 覚え書き


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bimap/bimap.hpp>

int main()
  // int : string の1対1のmap
  typedef boost::bimaps::bimap<int,std::string> bimap_t;
  typedef bimap_t::value_type bimap_value_t;

  bimap_t bm;

  // 要素の挿入
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "one"   ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "two"   ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "three" ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 4, "four"  ) );

  // サイズを確認
  std::cout << "size : " << bm.size() << std::endl; // [output] size: 4

  // 左側をkey,右側をvalueとして参照
  std::cout << "left.at(2) : " << bm.left.at( 2 ) << std::endl; // [output] left.at(2) : two
  // 右側をkey,左側をvalueとして参照
  std::cout << "right.at(¥"three¥") : " << bm.right.at( "three" ) << std::endl; // [output] right.at("three") : 3

  // 要素の無いkeyを参照した場合 std::out_of_range例外が発生する
  catch( const std::out_of_range &e )
    std::cout << "Out of range exception occured. CAUSE = " << e.what() << std::endl;

  // 要素があるかどうかはstd::mapと同様にfind(key)の戻り値のイテレータをend()との比較することで確認できる
  std::cout << std::boolalpha;
  std::cout << "left contains 4 : "
            << ( bm.left.find(4) != bm.left.end() ) << std::endl; // [output] left contains 4 : true
  std::cout << "left contains 5 : "
            << ( bm.left.find(5) != bm.left.end() ) << std::endl; // [output] left contains 5 : false

  // 既に同じ要素がある場合、挿入しても何も変化しない(更新されない)
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "2" ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 5, "three" ) );
  // 前と同じ結果
  std::cout << "size : " << bm.size() << std::endl; // [output] size: 4
  std::cout << "left.at(2) : " << bm.left.at( 2 ) << std::endl; // [output] left.at(2) : two
  std::cout << "right.at(¥"three¥") : " << bm.right.at( "three" ) << std::endl; // [output] right.at("three") : 3
  std::cout << "left contains 5 : "
            << ( bm.left.find(5) != bm.left.end() ) << std::endl; // [output] left contains 5 : false

  // 要素の置き換え
  { // 成功パターン: (1, "one") -> (1, "ONE") へ置き換え
    bimap_t::right_iterator itr = bm.right.find( bm.left.at( 1 ) );
    const bool successful_replace = bm.right.replace_key( itr, "ONE" );
    std::cout << "replace (1, ¥"one¥") -> (1, ¥"ONE¥") successful : "
              << successful_replace << std::endl;
    std::cout << "left.at(1) : " << bm.left.at( 1 ) << std::endl; // [output] left.at(1) : ONE
  { // 失敗パターン: (1, "ONE") -> (1, "two") へ置き換え
    bimap_t::right_iterator itr = bm.right.find( bm.left.at( 1 ) );
    const bool successful_replace = bm.right.replace_key( itr, "two" );
    std::cout << "replace (1, ¥"ONE¥") -> (1, ¥"two¥") successful : "
              << successful_replace << std::endl;
    std::cout << "left.at(1) : " << bm.left.at( 1 ) << std::endl; // [output] left.at(1) : ONE

  return 0;


size : 4
left.at(2) : two
right.at("three") : 3
Out of range exception occured. CAUSE = bimap<>: invalid key
left contains 4 : true
left contains 5 : false
size : 4
left.at(2) : two
right.at("three") : 3
left contains 5 : false
replace (1, "one") -> (1, "ONE") successful : true
left.at(1) : ONE
replace (1, "ONE") -> (1, "two") successful : false
left.at(1) : ONE
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bimap/bimap.hpp>
#include <boost/bimap/multiset_of.hpp>

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>

int main()
  // int : string の多対1のmap
  typedef boost::bimaps::multiset_of<int> int_set_t;
  typedef boost::bimaps::bimap<int_set_t,std::string> bimap_t;
  typedef bimap_t::value_type bimap_value_t;

  bimap_t bm;

  // 要素の挿入
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "one"   ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "two"   ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "three" ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 4, "four"  ) );

  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "uno"     ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "due"     ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "tre"     ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 4, "quattro" ) );

  // サイズを確認
  std::cout << "size : " << bm.size() << std::endl; // [output] size: 8

  // 右側をkeyとしてならat(key)で参照できる
  std::cout << "right.at(¥"three¥") : " << bm.right.at( "three" ) << std::endl; // [output] right.at("three") : 3
  std::cout << "right.at(¥"tre¥")   : " << bm.right.at( "tre"   ) << std::endl; // [output] right.at("tre")   : 3

  // 左側をkeyとしては参照できない
  // bm.left.at( 2 ); // Compile Error!!

  // 左側の要素が2のものをカウント
  std::cout << "left.equal_range(2) count : "
            << boost::distance( bm.left.equal_range(2) ) << std::endl; // [output] left.equal_range(2) count : 2

  // 左側の要素が2のものを全て参照する
    { // BOOST_FOREACHを使う場合
      std::cout << "left.equal_range(2) with BOOST_FOREACH :" << std::endl;
      BOOST_FOREACH( bimap_t::left_const_reference x, bm.left.equal_range( 2 ) )
        std::cout << "    " << x.second << std::endl;

    { // BOOST_FOREACHを使わない場合
      std::cout << "left.equal_range(2) without BOOST_FOREACH :" << std::endl;
      typedef bimap_t::left_const_iterator l_itr_t;
      typedef std::pair<l_itr_t,l_itr_t> l_itr_range_t;
      const l_itr_range_t &range = bm.left.equal_range( 2 );
      const l_itr_t end_itr = range.second;
      for( l_itr_t itr = range.first;
           itr != end_itr;
           ++itr )
        bimap_t::left_const_reference x = *itr;
        std::cout << "    " << x.second << std::endl;

  return 0;


size : 8
right.at("three") : 3
right.at("tre")   : 3
left.equal_range(2) count : 2
left.equal_range(2) with BOOST_FOREACH :
left.equal_range(2) without BOOST_FOREACH :


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bimap/bimap.hpp>
#include <boost/bimap/multiset_of.hpp>

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

int main()
  // int : string の多対1のmapにstringでinfoを付加
  typedef boost::bimaps::multiset_of<int> int_set_t;
  typedef boost::bimaps::with_info<std::string> language_info_t;
  typedef boost::bimaps::bimap<int_set_t,std::string,language_info_t> bimap_t;
  typedef bimap_t::value_type bimap_value_t;

  const std::string LANG_ENGLISH(  "English" );
  const std::string LANG_ITALIAN(  "Italian" );
  const std::string LANG_JAPANESE( "Japanese" );

  bimap_t bm;

  // 要素の挿入
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "one",   LANG_ENGLISH ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "two",   LANG_ENGLISH ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "three", LANG_ENGLISH ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 4, "four",  LANG_ENGLISH ) );

  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "uno",     LANG_ITALIAN ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "due",     LANG_ITALIAN ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "tre",     LANG_ITALIAN ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 4, "quattro", LANG_ITALIAN ) );

  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "ichi", LANG_JAPANESE ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "ni",   LANG_JAPANESE ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "san",  LANG_JAPANESE ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 4, "yon",  LANG_JAPANESE ) );

  // サイズを確認
  std::cout << "size : " << bm.size() << std::endl; // [output] size: 8

  // 右側をkeyにしてその要素のinfoを参照
  std::cout << "lang of ¥"quattro¥" : " << bm.right.info_at("quattro") << std::endl;

  // 左側の要素が2のものを全て参照してinfoも参照する
  std::cout << "left.equal_range(2) :" << std::endl;
  BOOST_FOREACH( bimap_t::left_const_reference x, bm.left.equal_range( 2 ) )
    std::cout << "  value : " << x.second << ", lang : " << x.info << std::endl;

  return 0;


size : 12
lang of "quattro" : Italian
left.equal_range(2) :
  value : two, lang : English
  value : due, lang : Italian
  value : ni, lang : Japanese

要素の参照等でleft, right などで指定するのではなくtagによって指定できるようになる。

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bimap/bimap.hpp>

// tag
struct number_tag{};
struct string_tag{};
struct language_tag{};

int main()
  typedef boost::bimaps::tagged<int,number_tag> tagged_number_t;
  typedef boost::bimaps::tagged<std::string,string_tag> tagged_string_t;
  typedef boost::bimaps::tagged<std::string,language_tag> tagged_language_t;
  typedef boost::bimaps::with_info<tagged_language_t> taggged_language_info_t;
  // int : string の1対1でstringの付加情報有りのtag付きmap
  typedef boost::bimaps::bimap<tagged_number_t,tagged_string_t,taggged_language_info_t> bimap_t;
  typedef bimap_t::value_type bimap_value_t;

  const std::string LANG_ENGLISH(  "English" );
  const std::string LANG_ITALIAN(  "Italian" );
  const std::string LANG_JAPANESE( "Japanese" );

  bimap_t bm;

  // 要素の挿入
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 1, "one", LANG_ENGLISH  ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 2, "due", LANG_ITALIAN  ) );
  bm.insert( bimap_value_t( 3, "san", LANG_JAPANESE ) );

  // サイズを確認
  std::cout << "size : " << bm.size() << std::endl; // [output] size: 4

  // tagで指定して参照
  std::cout << "by<number_tag>().at(2) : " << bm.by<number_tag>().at(2) << std::endl; // [output] by<number_tag>().at(2) : due
  std::cout << "by<string_tag>().at(¥"one¥") : " << bm.by<string_tag>().at( "one" ) << std::endl; // [output] by<string_tag>().at("one") : 1

  { // イテレータからもtagで要素を参照できる
    const bimap_t::map_by<number_tag>::const_iterator itr = bm.by<number_tag>().find(3);
    std::cout << "number : " << itr->get<number_tag>() << ", "
              << "string : " << itr->get<string_tag>() << ", "
              << "langage : " << itr->get<language_tag>() << std::endl;
  return 0;


size : 3
by<number_tag>().at(2) : due
by<string_tag>().at("one") : 1
number : 3, string : san, langage : Japanese

Chapter 1. Boost.Bimap - 1.53.0
boost::bimapsのメモ - NO!と言えるようになりたい